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Homeless Prenatal Program

An Effective Practice


The Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP) is a resource center for poor and homeless families in San Francisco. HPP offers services focused on prenatal and parenting support, family finances and stability, and emergency support of basic needs.

HPP’s goals are that their clients: (1) have healthy births, (2) are empowered to create safe, nurturing family environments, and (3) have access to resources that can lead them towards stable housing and economic self-sufficiency.

Families are offered case management, childcare, mental health counseling, support groups, as well as other stabilizing services according to need. Client may utilize HPP’s Wellness Center for prenatal education and parenting classes, or enroll in HPP’s Community Health Worker Training Program to receive a 12-month paid job training in a career field. A drop-in Community Technology Center is also available for technical education.

HPP is supported through foundation and government grants, contributions, special events, and other revenues.

Goal / Mission

The Homeless Prenatal Program works with families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty by providing prenatal and parenting support, family finances and stability, and basic needs services.

Results / Accomplishments

More than 3,500 families access HPP’s services each year, with nearly 200 new families every month. Since 1992, of 3,500 babies born to HPP families, 90.1% were of normal weight and 98.5% were drug free. Since 1995, of the 180 women who entered the Community Health Worker Training Program, 150 (83%) graduated and found jobs or pursued educational opportunities within 30 days of graduation. In 2012, 334 HPP families obtained permanent housing, ending homelessness for 537 children.

About this Promising Practice

Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP)
Primary Contact
Martha Ryan
2500 18th St.
San Francisco, CA 94100
(415) 546-6756
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health
Economy / Housing & Homes
Community / Social Environment
Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP)
Date of publication
Geographic Type
San Francisco
For more details
Target Audience
Children, Women, Families

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